Sunday, December 19, 2010

Who knew a chain link fence could be so fun....

I've been sitting on these pixels for a while now because I used the first shot in a entry to a photog comp, organised by my mates over at

I just got the news that I made it into the top 6, which is awesome!!
Anyway enough words peep the pics.......

Just as a footnote, It was -25 C.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Jib Jam Jump Off

Let's set the scene, 1 minivan, 5 guys, 7 snowboards, 4 cameras, 1 case of beer and some good spirits!!

On the weekend just past Gui, Steve-o and Chew got an invite to come and compete in an indoor Jib comp in Edmonton. So we all squeeze into my van and make the trip up north, although the road to Edmonton is boring being in the van with this particular group of characters definitely makes for an interesting drive mission.

This is just a sneak peak into the 2 day trip. A full video edit of the fun and games will appear on shtchea real soon, Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Im getting excited for winter.

So today i got some great news, my visa was approved so I get to stay in Canada for another winter at least. This got me excited, so I started just flipping through all my shots from well, ever actually.

I found a couple of recent shots that hadn't yet graced my little blog, So here they are enjoy!


^Tahnee took this shot^

These next 2 shots are from the last day of summer 2010.

Please feel free to leave me comments, anything you guys want to see more of let me know.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Check out

If you have come from ShtChea 'HI, Welcome to my little blog site'.
If you haven't yet seen or heard of Shtchea, peep it here. (DO IT!!!)

'Back Alley' FS Smith

At the start of the month I was introduced to Cailska Reagh and got the opportunity to watch him shred the Canmore skate park. So we met up recently in the alley way behind Rude Boys, this kid is 'jaw dropping' on a skateboard. There was no real plan for the afternoon, just skate and shoot which is second nature for Cail.

Aside from being an exceptional skater, Cail is aspiring artist and quite the character to say the least. In between throwing himself down a few stair sets or off a ledge or three he would pull a sharpie from his pocket to throw up some of his signature art on the closest wall. Cail + Skateboard = ShtChea!!!
Thanks Cail.

Frontside 180

BS Noselide

BS Feeble

BS Board

You can peep his art here.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Box of inspiration!!

So I recieved a whole bunch of gear like 2 months back and Marcel was so kind as to come out and throw himself around for an hour or two so that I could use the new gear. Thanks Marcel!!!

So yeh I'm pretty stoked with how they turned out, some of them..... actually most of them have some motion blur which I'm bummed about. Live and learn I suppose, I can't wait to drag some of these local shredders out to Calgary and throw them down some stairs and see what we can create. Keep an eye out, don't be scared to leave a comment and tell me what you think.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

T1 T2

I found some shots of me and Brownie from slush cup....
(the shot of me is taken by Brownie, boy got skills!!!)

Winter is over......

OK, so I have been a little lazy when comes to giving my blog some love. So since my last post winter has ended, all the ski resorts have closed and then has done nothing but rain here in the rockies. So this post will be from the final few days and weeks of the 2010 winter season.

Chew judging at Steve-0's "Garden Gnome Innvotational"


I have been having alot of fun just try to take spur of the moment portraits of all the crew anywhere and everywhere. I think you can get some much more amazing expressions from people that dont know that they're being photographed. These are from the Garden Gnome Innvitational (Steve-0's skate style comp) check out the vid!!!!

GARDEN GNOME CONTEST 2010 from Logan Fulmer on Vimeo.


Steve-0 was goin BIG in the last few weeks, don't forget to click for a bigger view!!!
Later, tucky.....

Friday, March 26, 2010

I've gone wireless

So after I was given an awesome present, my 580 exII (flash). I soon realised that on camera flash can be good but off camera flash opens up a massive new world of possabilities, so after alot of research I decided to buy a couple of Pocket Wizards (wireless triggers). I have been playing around lately and here's what I've been up to. Im not totally satisfied with my work so far but practice makes perfect, back to shooting!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Looking at change

Hey guys here's the latest jump off:

^click to enlarge^

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Post Australia Day Post

Hey happy Australia Day, here's what I have been up to lately.

Steve o : Front Board

Mikey : Bluntslide

Tucky : Backside Board

Mikey : Ledge Jam

Steve o : Back Board on Spine

Steve o : Nose Pick

Steve o : Back Tail

Sunshine Vilage on Australia Day : Epic