2009 has been an amazing year!! I have moved half way around the world, worked some random jobs, seen some of the most beautiful scenery, got super deep pow, met heaps of awesome peeps and chosen a career path that im very passionate about.
Photography in the start of 2009 for me was just a real fun and interesting hobby, it wasn't until mid year that I was seriously considering a career in this lucrative world. In August I was asked to take photo's for a local resturaunt "El Toro", the owners had just bought the buisness and wanted to change the look and expand their resturaunt by adding a website. I think doin this little job really locked in that photography was what I wanted to do. After that, as I shown in a previous blog, I shot the advert for Mt Magic Freestyle. Then covered the Lake Louise "Heavy Metal Rail Jam" and got a shot in the Outlook Newspaper, so all in all 2009 was more than just a change in lifestyle it has been a change in my LIFE.
2010 is nothing but looking up, as of late I have had lots of good feedback on my photography. (thanks) This has only fuelled my fire even more, day by day I have new and wonderful ideas and hopefully come to reality. Even though I have been getting all this great feedback my shots would be nothing without the people I have surrounded myself with, thanks for all your help and support so far!!
Anyway enough chit chat, here's some shots from the last month or so. Happy Holidays!!!!